Sexy Summer Bra Fit Event

Come get Sexy Summer Ready with Molly, Cynthia and Studio 5 Salon Team! The Double Diva's and the rest of the LiviRae team will be at Studio 5 Salon & Spa in Canton, GA on June 13th from 11:00am - 7:00pm. LiviRae will be offering professional bra fittings and giving away gift bags with up to $500 worth of services for this fabulous salon! This will be a fun-filled day you don't want to miss! $50 reserves your appointment slot & will go towards your purchase of bras that day! "No Bust To Big or Small, We Fit Them All"
Please contact us at 770-429-7004 or with any questions! We're looking forward to a fun & fabulous day with you!
Molly, Cynthia and Studio 5 Salon & Spa