Cheribundi Light Is My Delight!
I live a pretty active life. I exercise 5-7 times a week and I'm always on the road. With new clients on my roster, work can get a bit hectic. Lucky for me I have Cheribundi. I discovered this brand last year and it has been an epic love affair ever since. Not only is every bottle jam packed with top quality cherries but it helps with muscle recovery too.
The seven day challenge, with Protein & Relax, did wonders for me a few months back. I could feel a difference after workouts and had no problem falling asleep. Now it was time to move on to another level. Cheribundi Light. This product has the same benefits as the original. The main difference is they have reduced the calories by one third by using Stevia as a natural sweetener. Based on my experience with the others, I had no doubt it would be a smooth transition.
Monday morning came around and it was time to pack up and head to Nashville. We would be on location for two weeks. I almost pulled out of the parking lot when I remembered the Cheribundi Light on the counter. I hustled back inside, grabbed my rolling cooler, packed the bottles inside and emptied my ice box in the container. I was running late and didn't have time to be cute about it.
While on the highway, I opened up the first bottle and took a sip. It was great! I could tell a slight difference between it and the original. This one was slightly sweeter. It still had that tart punch but it was subtle. The next few days didn't seem as bad as I thought. People called out sick and none of the principal actors were on time. It didn't bother me. As long as I had my chilled Cheribundi Light first thing in the morning, my day was alright.
My sleep pattern was predictable. I had no problems falling asleep outside of my usual surroundings. Cheribundi is NEVER from concentrate so no worries there. Who knew that 40 cherries could fit in this portable eight ounce bottle and still benefit overall health? And in between rehearsals, I did get to jog around the studio and even do some yoga on the faux lawn.
Life is good. Cheribundi helps to make it better. Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. Click Here for your closest Cheribundi retailer. Or visit their website here. Be sure to tell them 'Ash Said It' was the BEST!

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