Harper's Radar - New Scripted Series

Harper's Radar is a scripted drama series that will air online at www.harpersradar.com in Fall 2016. As a TV pilot, it will also be pitched to networks across the nation. Harper's Radar is the story of a young millennial blogger, named Harper, who helps others come to terms with their true selves. In a world full of selfies, contouring, social media, and phonies, Harper is fearless in her pursuit of authenticity; and her radar allows her to read right through today's pretentious pretenders. Are you a network executive interested in helping our series get on television? If so, contact us HERE. Harper's Radar was created in association with The S.M.I.I.L.E. Movement (SMIILE), a nonprofit organization whose acronym stands for "Students Making Impacts in Lives Everywhere." Through fun, diverse forms of community outreach, SMIILE works to stimulate the aspirations of today's younger generation while improving the quality of life for underserved populations.
CLICK HERE to make a financial contribution to the show! Funds will help us advertise season one of Harper's Radar and market our series to industry professionals interested in putting Harper's Radar on television. Your donations will also assist in generating online momentum and virality.