New Chick on the Job: Who’s Brennah Black?

On April 13th, 2017 I officially became Legends Football League’s National Sideline Reporter, me, Brennah, just a small town girl from the suburbs of Houston…Katy, Texas to be specific.
No one knows my name yet, so I guess this would be an appropriate time to introduce myself. Hi friends and random people on the web, I’m Brennah Black. I hope to connect with each and every one of you on my journey around the country this season.
How did I get into sports broadcasting? Heck, I don’t know…I’ve never been into sports involving balls, but I do know Erin Andrews is hot and a badass sideline reporter so when I was offered the job, I figured why not, it sounds like something I would be good at too. I studied broadcast journalism at UT in Austin, and I’ve always had a passion for reporting and connecting with people\ through entertainment. I’ve been an athlete my entire life. I was a competitive cheerleader for eight years, so you’d think I would know the game of football pretty well after all that time cheering on the sidelines, right? Nope. To be completely honest, the only thing I knew about football before starting this job was that a touchdown is worth six points. It is six points right? KIDDING!
Any who, point is, I had to study my butt off to learn every detail of the game quickly because I had already admitted to being a huge football fan during my interview for the job. Funny story, I almost didn’t get hired after trying to kiss up to the Executive Producer when I enthusiastically texted him “Go Cowboys!” Little did I know he is a die-hard Redskins fan, oopsie! We all know how seriously men take their football! But I never realized how seriously women are about football until my first LFL game in Austin, Texas last weekend.
To say the least, these female athletes are incredible! The amount of time they put into training on and off the field takes some serious dedication…and I thought my workouts were tough! They definitely motivate and inspire me to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention, none of them play as a full time job because I don’t think the athletes get paid a lot, if any. They play because they truly have a passion for the sport. This is why I feel beyond blessed to have the opportunity to interview these women and get to know who each of them are, where they come from, what drives them to play this intense game and what goes on behind the scenes of the LFL. I can’t wait to share these stories with all of you guys throughout the season!
Right now I’m hopping on my flight to Omaha, Nebraska to watch Omaha Heart play Pittsburg Rebellion! Stay tuned for my crazy travel stories in my next blog post and be sure to follow me on social media in the links below!
Many Hugs…Brennah Black
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Courtesy of Legends Football League