The Divine Nine 5K is a fun walk/run that brings people together from near and far. Divine Nine members and supporters, family and friends – all are welcome at this community event.
The races are coordinated by the National Pan-Hellenic Councils of Greater Atlanta and Chicago. In 2017, the Chicago race marks its 3rd year and the Atlanta race will enter its 2nd year. Nearly 1,600 walkers and runners have participated in the races since their debut. Beyond the focus on fitness, the Divine Nine 5K events provide opportunities for fellowship, making connections and good “old-fashioned” fun! Race proceeds benefit the Council scholarships and community programs.
We’re excited about 2017 and hope you and your crew will join us. We promise your Divine Nine 5K experience will be enjoyable for you and all others that participate.
Questions? Please contact us at info@divinenine5k.com.
CLICK HERE for more.