First Of Its Kind "Meditations For Geeks" Album Makes Mindfulness Fun For Fantasy Lovers

Alyssa Yeager (Rhiannon's Lark) has brought twenty years of music therapy and performing experience together to make meditation more accessible to pop culture fans. Her new album recognizes that personal preference plays a huge role in how each individual can best relax, focus, and practice mindfulness.
"If you're someone who doesn't like concentrating on your breath or listening to ocean waves, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy meditating. This album engages people who want to be more mindful but are uninspired by traditional approaches." - Alyssa Yeager, owner of Rhiannon's Lark.
Ms. Yeager's success using guided meditations with music therapy clients motivated her to bring this practice to a new audience. In 2017, while offering performances at GenCon, the largest tabletop and gaming convention in North America, (over 60,000 attendees), Alyssa test-drove a new workshop of geeky meditations. The workshop was so well received she decided to expand her musical brand and move forward with a full length meditation album.
"Meditations for Geeks" features common meditation themes such as stress release and universal connection - explored through unique, pop-culture infused storylines. Guided tracks take you on a journey with Hobbits, questing for a missing crystal shard, discovering the power of the Force, and more.
"Fight your monkey mind alongside Harry Potter and tame your judgment voice like a Jedi with these unique-for-geeks guided meditations. " -Hannah White, therapist and geek-culture enthusiast.
In addition to personal use, this album is a great resource for anyone leading a mindfulness group. Each guided meditation can be the focus for a session or serve as a warm-up or cool down for activities like yoga and Pilates. Light instrumental backing is optional for most tracks, allowing you to choose vocals only if you prefer. Find "Meditations for Geeks" at
Rhiannon's Lark was created in 2013 to celebrate geeks and goddesses through song. Themes of diversity, personal choice, and challenging norms mix and mingle freely with board games, ninjas, and fantasy creatures for a truly unique musical perspective.