AM I … Guides Readers Toward Personal, Authentic Faith

There is a crisis of faith in today’s world, but it’s probably not what you think. The crisis isn’t that people have stopped believing, it’s that believers don’t have deep, personal connections with what they believe in.
The concepts of faith and belief have been relegated to holy books filled with stories that happened a long time ago. Believers may revere the book, but never read it. They may believe strongly in one religion or another, without really understanding what their religion stands for. As a result, God has become an impersonal, generic concept that sits on the outskirts of daily life, governing from on high in a place far, far away.
Building a life of authentic, personal faith must begin with truly understanding what we have faith in, if we have faith in anything at all, explains author and international speaker Scott MacLellan.
In his book, Am I, MacLellan masterfully guides believers deeper into a personal relationship with the God they worship, whomever that may be. The goal of Am I is not to tell readers what to believe, but to uncover what they already believe on a personal level. Through questions posed to God himself, AM I takes readers beyond the faith of their childhood and community and into a faith that is specific and unique to their lives.
MacLellan has written two versions of Am I. The shortened edition, Am I … The Four Fundamentals of Faith, is for newer believers who might still be exploring what faith really means. The full version, Am I … Building a Life of Personal Faith, is for the evolving believer. It covers all the material in the condensed version plus several additional topics.
Author, international speaker on faith and entrepreneur Scott MacLellan has impacted multiple organizations whose missions are to help the impoverished, the addicted or those who struggle with illness. When not speaking on one of these subjects, he can be found working with a skilled team of business leaders, or on the coast of South Carolina where he shares his home with his wife of 34 years and his amazing 7-year-old grandson. He has two grown daughters, and more grandchildren are on the way.
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Am I … Building a Life of Personal Faith
Publisher: High Bridge Books
Released: November 2019
Short/paperback version: ISBN-10: 978-1733415118
Extended/hardcover version: ISBN-13: 978-1733415101
Available from and High Bridge Books