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CBS POLL: Michelle Obama Favorite Pick of Dems for VP

CBS POLL: Michelle Obama Favorite Pick of Dems for VP

ATLANTA, GA — A recent poll conducted by CBS/YouGov found that 64% of Democrats would like to see Michelle Obama as the Democratic VP pick. Separately, 36% of respondents favored Elizabeth Warren and 19% favored Kamala Harris. This poll confirms what many Americans are thinking: Michelle Obama is the best candidate for Vice-President. Nominating Ms. Obama would draw on her tremendous public support and would help energize the electorate. Being one of the most recognized figures in America, she can crucially help motivate turnout on Election Day, as Democrats face an uphill struggle to unseat Donald Trump. The new Netflix documentary, Becoming, has reminded millions of Americans of her ability to unite people of disparate backgrounds around one message. This quality makes Michelle Obama uniquely suited to be the Democratic vice-presidential candidate. If Democrats want to win, they need to nominate a candidate who can deliver a win- that candidate is Michelle Obama.

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