Dad's Garage Theatre to Serve as Voting Location on Election Day
In a commitment to serving our community, Dad's Garage will be opening up our space this year for vital events. This includes being a new voting location in Fulton County, as well as serving as a blood donation center.
Over the summer, a call went out to facilities in Fulton County to host Election Day voting. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fulton County sought to increase the number of polling places to reduce the overall number of voters at large facilities. Dad's Garage signed on as a new voting location, and will open our doors on November 3 to voters from the Cabbagetown and Reynoldstown neighborhoods. Dad's Garage is one of dozens of new voting facilities in Fulton County. To check your Georgia voting location, please click here.
The following week on November 13, Dad's Garage will also host a Red Cross Blood drive in our facility. When word went out that safe facilities were needed to host blood drives, Dad's Garage stepped up. This blood drive is by appointment only, and requires online registration. For more information on the blood drive, or to sign up, click here.
According to Lara Smith, Managing Director of Dad's Garage "Serving our community is one of the pillars of our strategic plan. We want to become a community hub, and we think being a voting location and hosting blood drives is a great way to serve our community. Because of COVID-19, our facility has been mostly empty since March, so we are uniquely poised to host these initiatives. We look forward to hosting these events safely, with masks and social distancing."
About Dad’s Garage Theatre Company:
Founded in 1995, Dad's Garage Theatre Company has grown from a small volunteer led organization to a thriving mid-size theatre led by professional artistic and administrative staff that includes over 300 volunteers and performers. We now entertain more than 33,000 people each year in Atlanta, at public events across the state, and at improv festivals across the continent. In addition to outrageous original productions, Dad’s Garage produces improv shows year-round, educates young improvisers in a high school outreach program, and facilitates classes and workshops for the general public.
Our Mission:
Dad's Garage transforms people, communities, and perspectives through laughter.
Dad's Garage relies on financial support from several generous companies and organizations to keep producing scripted and improv comedy. Special thanks to Delta Air Lines, WarnerMedia, Mailchimp, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fulton County Arts Council, The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund, Georgia Council for the Arts, and the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs for their support.
Dad's Garage Theatre Company
569 Ezzard Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30312
404.523.3141 ext. 201