Energy workers in Nevada receive highest compensation pay-outs
The states where energy workers have received the highest compensation pay-outs
Nevada tops the list with more than $220,000 per compensation payment
New Mexico and South Carolina are in second and third place
A new study has revealed the states where current and former employees of the Department of Energy (DOE) have received the highest average payout in monetary compensation and paid medical bills, after suffering illnesses as a result of being exposed to harmful substances.
The study by personal injury law firm Bader Scott analyzed official data from the Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) to discover the number of applications for compensation, the number that received a payment, and the total amount paid. The total amount paid was compared against successful applications to reveal the average payout per successful application.
Nevada tops the list as energy workers living there have received a total of 8,427 compensation payments, with an average amount of $221,366. Overall workers living in the state have received $1,038,404,183 in monetary payments, and a further $827,046,106 for medical bills, adding up to a total of $1,865,450,289, which results in the highest average payout in the country.
New Mexico is in second place as workers living in the state have received $4,070,424,774 in compensation, which is made up of $1,611,736,082 in payments, and $2,458,688,692 in medical bills. When compared against the 18,656 payments that were made, it equates to the second highest average in the nation: $218,183.
In third place, the average compensation payout for energy workers living in South Carolina is $215,014. That is based on 7,171 payments totaling $711,807,747 in medical bills, and $830,055,594 in monetary payments, which is a combined sum of $1,541,863,341.
Workers living in Tennessee have received the combined highest total compensation of $4,361,331,605, which has been split across 21,186 payments, resulting in the fourth highest average payout in the country, of $205,859.
Alabama has the fifth highest average payout of $199,140, which is from $131,034,437 in total across 658 payments.
The top ten states with the highest average compensation payouts for energy workers is completed by Ohio in sixth ($193,068), Kentucky in seventh ($175,188), Idaho in eighth ($173,695), Iowa in ninth ($171,762) and Arizona in tenth ($166,400).