How does Atlanta stack up in some key metrics?

Roof Gnome has you covered with 2023's Best Cities for Rooftop Drinking.
Number of Rooftop Bars - 8th
Number of Top-Rated Rooftop Bars (4.5+ Stars and 10+ Reviews) - 18th
Share of Affordable ($) and Mid-Range ($$) Lounges With Rooftops - 151st
Number of Extremely Hot Days - 116th
How does Atlanta compare with other Georgia cities (1st = Best)?
Savannah - 11th
Athens - 80th
Augusta - 112th
Macon - 178th
Columbus - 183rd
To come up with our ranking, we compared nearly 300 of the biggest U.S. cities based on a cocktail of 18 metrics. We factored in rooftop bar and lounge access and consumer ratings, stirred with data-driven mixers like affordability and climate.
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