Super Bowl Analytics: The Pepsi Cardi B and HalfTime effect (Spongebob) destroys Coke’s online prese
Patriots vs Rams trending
New England Patriots: over 370,800 mentions linked to SBLIII (52%):
Los Angeles Rams: over 341,500 mentions linked to SBLIII (48%)
Biggest buzz of the evening is........Spongebob and Maroon 5. This has driven the Pepsi brand mention through the roof (helped by Cardi B before the show).
Then Doritos, with Chance the Rapper backed by the Backstreet Boys.
Then came Bud Light, with their strong Games of Thrones ad.
Avengers Endgame: they ranked N1 as non-sports hashtag with 173,400, erasing the N5 position of EverythingWeGot! Good marketing.
And of course buzz around Gladys Night.
Avocados: they did a very good job with their hastag AvocadosFromMexico, winning the branded hashtag in front of Pepsi (96,00 mentions vs 48,000 for #PepsimoreThanOK.
Number of relevant mentions of and about Super Bowl 2019 (30 days on blogs, news sites, forums & social media): over 10 million mentions and 60,8 million likes/shares with a very strong peak on both January 20th and 21st 2019, after the Conference Championships and February 3 during the game.
Nice figure: Over 8,708,300 tweets linked to SBLIII in the last 30 days, 86.7% of all social media activity.
Top tweet during the game: The Avenger’s tweet about their new movie release The Avengers Endgame (71,767 retweets and 145,957 likes), also ranking as the number 1 non-sports related hashtag with #AvengersEndgame (173,400 mentions)
Top 5 Hashtags Mentions
#SuperBowl 1,600,000
#SBLIII 672,600
#NFLPlayoffs 411,000
#SuperBowlLIII 233,600
#AvengersEndgame 173,400
Top brands trending
1. Pepsi with over 71,800 cumulated mentions, with a very strong peak after the PepsiHalfTime, as SpongeBob fans were upset that Maroon 5 didn't play 'Sweet Victory, the 'SpongeBob Squarepants' song, in memory of the animated show’s creator which passed away in November, during Super Bowl halftime. So Pepsi got more mentions during the show with Spongebob than with their Cardi ad.
2. Doritos, with over 29,700 mentions featuring mostly the collaboration between musician Chance the Rapper and the Backstreet Boys (with 57,300 shares!)
3. Bud Light, with their very strong Games of Thrones ad in partnership with HBO (13,400 mentions)
Top ad increases mostly driven through fun, TV series, celebrity endorsement and environmental causes:
As stated, the big winners of this year’ Superbowl are Pepsi with their strong celebrity endorsement (Cardi B) #PepsiMoreThanOK, their free riding on Spongebob’s legacy battle during the half time show, Doritos with their Chance The Rapper and Backstreet Boys collaboration (#NowItsHot), Bud Light with their strong Games of Thrones ad, and
Budweiser (emotional green energy “Wind never felt better” campaign, 17,800,000 views on Youtube so far). Avocados From Mexico are the winner of the hearts: strong 96,000 mentions for their #AvocadosFromMexico hashtag with a 62,8% positive sentiment.
The Pepsi Cardi B and HalfTime effect (Spongebob) destroys Coke’s online presence
Pepsi is marking the strongest SBLIII buzz after Cardi B’s post with a quick reveal of the new Pepsi ad featuring her and Lil Jon & Steve Carrell (over 170,100 shares, mostly likes on Twitter), releasing the new hashtag #PepsiMoreThanOK (already over 48,000 mentions and 216,200 shares). This aggressive campaign, and the SBLIII half-time buzz, seems to allow Pepsi to more than win both the mention battle (596,700 Pepsi mentions vs 155,900 Coke mentions) and the engagement battle (3,5 million Pepsi shares/retweets vs 1,5 million Coke shares/retweets in North America in the last 30 days). Before January 2019, both brands had an equal social media exposure.
Top stories linked to SBLIII in terms of online shares (Twitter, Facebook, etc)
1. The old weather story is still leading the game, with two CNN websites mentioning the bad weather and the weather-risk the SBLIII faces (over 831,800 million shares/likes).
2. Gladys Knight, this year’s Super Bowl national Anthem Singer, confirming that she will sing the national anthem before Sunday's game and rejecting the idea that the anthem has any connection to an activist cause. (over 212,000 shares/likes)
3. A 10 year old wins a science fair demonstrating that Tom Brady is a cheater (over 170,800 shares)
Stats Courtesy of Talkwalker