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Galentine’s for Divorcees and the Dumped

Valentine’s Day can be a really cringe-worthy holiday. Especially is you’re going through a break-up or divorce. We can support our friends through these emotional times by making our girlfriends our Galentine’s, according to coach and author Tammy Letherer.

Letherer can relate to the pain holidays bring a heartbroken woman.

She had been married for twelve years, with three children, when her husband called her to sit at the table. There, he revealed, in excruciating detail, that he had been unfaithful for a decade and that he had recently met a woman in Las Vegas who he wanted to be with. He was leaving her, and he wanted the whole thing to be “taken care of” as soon as possible. After he shattered everything, Letherer thought she knew about love and faithfulness, he left her alone on her dining room floor to pick up the pieces.

Letherer didn’t know it then, but the biggest hurdle of her life was about to become her greatest blessing and she shares her story in her award-winning unflinching, hope-filled memoir, The Buddha at My Table: How I Found Peace in Betrayal and Divorce, which was just released as a new audio book, in addition to its paperback format.

Today, Letherer works as a writing coach, helping others writing their memoirs and through her own articles helps women change the narrative of their own lives. She wants others to know that you are not alone, that whatever situation you’re facing, however difficult it may be, as unlikely as it seems, you can always interpret events in your favor.

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