Happiness Happens Month
In response to the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent advisory about Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation, the theme for the Society of Happy People’s 23rd Happiness Happens Month is taking a Hometown Adventure. Pamela Gail Johnson, founder of the Society of Happy People, wants everyone to take at least one Hometown Adventure in August to celebrate happiness, social connections, and community. Venture out to one of your favorite hometown places or find a new place that makes you smile.
“Happiness Happens on Hometown Adventures,” says Society Founder and Practical Happiness: Four Principles to Improve Your Life author Pamela Gail Johnson. “The first Practical Happiness Principle is Happiness is Personal, and there’s nothing more personal than the places in your hometown that make you happy.”
This year celebrating Happiness Happens Month is fun, simple, and easy:
Get your Happiness Happens Month Hometown Adventure Tour Guide goodies at sohp.com/hhm2023)
Plan your Hometown Adventure
Invite others to join you (or meet new friends) – you might be helping someone feel less lonely and socially connected
Take your Hometown Adventure
Share your adventure with the hashtags: #HappinessHappensMonth #HometownAdventure
Local businesses and attractions can also participate by becoming Happiness Happens Month Hometown Adventure Host (sohp.com/hhm2023).
About the Society of Happy People
Founded on August 8, 1998, by Pamela Gail Johnson as the Secret Society of Happy People, the since-renamed Society of Happy People, celebrates being happy, makes the world a better place with three international happiness holidays, and defines the Thirty-One Types of Happiness.
About Pamela Gail Johnson
Pamela Gail Johnson founded the Society of Happy People in 1998 and created the first three globally celebrated happiness holidays. She is the author of Practical Happiness: Four Principles to Improve Your Life (HCI), a speaker, and Life Coach (CPC). Pamela started her career with Junior Achievement, then worked in the mental health and substance abuse field at the Hazelden Foundation. She was also an award-winning salesperson for American Express and Staples. Now she helps leaders create happier workplace cultures.
A frequent media guest on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, radio, and podcasts, her work has been covered by magazines, newspapers, and online publications.
Visit her websites at: pamelagailjohnson.com and SOHP.com/media-pr.